Monday, August 27, 2012

Leaving Today!

Leaving Today!
Sent out last night with a cannon blast of prayer. TRUST HIM ONLY- TRUST HIM AT ALL TIMES!
August was an amazing month. On the first I sold all my furniture and packed up my precious photo albums and paintings for storage. Then I rented a car and drove 2600 miles in 17 days. I visited churches in Cincinnati, Indy, Chicago and Pittsburgh. Plus a week with my mom in Illinois. Returning to Baltimore on the 23rd for repacking and last minute details.
My flight today is Baltimore to LA to Beijing to Guangzhou. All together over 40 hours. Please pray for good connections and that I will be able to sleep on the plane.
Please pray for the best apartment. My roommate Laura is still looking.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Old friends

Pastor Rajan's mom
Hope Family

Upasana and Meera, Pastor Narj's mom

Pastor Narrj and Reuben (10 weeks)

James, Alisheba and Samarpan

Suk Maya (mother who lost her son Raju last year.)
Menu (widow) and daughter.

Return to Nepal 2011

I landed in Kathmandu October 6 and began a very busy schedule that included a Nepal Leadership Conference with Pastor Karl Silva from Mumbai, India. there were over 150 people at the conference and 20 leaders from the Nepal Missionary Training Center. The conference was also blessed by the visit of 12 americans from Mountain Life Church in Utah. On Friday the 14th I flew to Pokhara with P. Karl and the american team. We visited the village of Bajan, about 40 believers on a mountainside outside of Pokhara, Pastored by P. Abraham.
I finally settled into a room in Pokhara and fought off a mild cold while I prepared for a two day women's seminar on Oct. 27 and 28. God was faithful to anoint, give creativity and conviction.
I will try to post pictures, but the uploads are very slow.
Thank you everyone for your prayers.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Friday, November 19, 2010

Youth camp Nov 8th

Thank you for your prayers

Thank you for your prayers for the Women's seminar on November 7th. Pastor Rajan came from Katmandu and brought 25 people. Some others came from the village churches. We had a wonderful day in the Word of God and I believe all of our prayers were answered: for anointing, new and deeper understanding of God's GRACE and for
God to be glorified.

Home life with Rosemaya

Pastor Rajan and Indu visited from Katmandu

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November Prayer Requests

Please be in prayer for the Women's Seminar on Sunday, November 7.
I will be teaching three 40 minute sessions.
Pastor Rajan is brining 10-12 women from Katmandu and some others are coming fom the villages.
Please pray for Sharmi, Pastor Narj's wife, my interpreter.
Please pray for anointed teaching and that many would gain a deeper understanding of GRACE- our topic for the day. Pray that God be glorified.

Also pray for:
Divine Health
English classes

Old and New Friends

"Church" Picnic

Glimpses of Majesty

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My son is not here!

Raju, a 24 year old man in the Pokhara church fell at a construction site last week. He went home to be with the Lord early Friday morning. He leaves behind a 21 year old widow and a 3 year old daughter. Please pray for them. Life is not easy for widows in Nepal. They seldom remarry and few men here will raise another man's child. Please pray that she will choose to live with her Christian in-laws who have offered her a place in their home and hearts. Over 200 friends and relatives were at the face to face service on Friday at noon. This was the first time that many of them had seen a Christian burial. The Hindus and Buddhists cremate their dead. Less than 2% of Nepal is Christian. They heard the Gospel from Pastor Narj at the service. Pray that many will choose to belive in Christ. At the graveside Raju's mother gave a beautiful testimony and a challenge to all her family to believe. She said, "My son is not here! He is right now in Heaven with Jesus. Praise God!"