Thursday, January 7, 2010

John Wesley said, “The whole world is my parish.” I believe the whole world can be my mission field. God has placed three fields in my heart and my prayer is to visit each of them within the next year. I would like to plan a 3-4 week visit to allow time to get to know the people of the church, the pastor’s vision, and let God lead me into prayer for each ministry. I am totally available to God to lead me into continuing with short-term trips or a longer assignment. Please pray with me for these fields:

Pokhara, Nepal-
Pastor Narj Gurung was an MBC&S student and my friend and co-worker in the Bible College office. He returned to Nepal in 2007 and since returning God has given him a beautiful Christian wife and they are expecting their first child soon. God has used him to plant a church which already has over 100 people. They just purchased land to put up a building large enough for meetings of 400 people. Pastor Narj is a gifted Bible teacher and will be starting a Bible College this year. I am planning to visit the Pokhara, Nepal Church for three weeks in April, 2010. I need to purchase my airline ticket in February. The cost is $2,200. Please pray specifically for this ticket.

Middle East-
Pastor Matti Sirvio, the pastor I served with in Kazakhstan, has been busy planting a church in Istanbul, Turkey since the fall of 2006. Recently he led teams from Turkey into Egypt and Syria. He has a plan to take 30 day mission trips into several of the Middle Eastern countries in 2010 and is praying for spirit filled team members on these trips. Please pray that I can join one of these mission trips, probably in the late Summer or Fall of 2010.

In 2009 GGWO sent 13 missionaries into China. We presently have teams serving in four locations. The newest team is founding an international school in south central China. Several missionaries from Baku, Azerbaijan are also ministering among the Islamic Central Asian peoples in western China. I would like to combine one trip to visit both of these teams sometime in the Fall or Winter of 2010.

Let me ask boldly- for I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am seeking your participation with prayer and financial support for these mission trips. My work for Kelly will provide for all my living expenses while in the States, but I do need to raise funds to pay these travel expenses. All support received will be used only for missions’ expenses. You may send financial support to GGWO Missions, 6025 Moravia Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21206 and write Pam Greaves on the memo line. Contributions can also be made electronically at Click on the “Donate Now” link on the left and please write “Greaves” when it asks for the missionary name.

Prayer Requests-
• I have set up a blog where I can post newsletters, pictures and information about these mission trips. Please pray that it will be done well and will serve my friends and supporters with up to date prayer needs and other information.

• Please pray for all three of these proposed trips in 2010. All things are possible with God. He has proved Himself faithful to me over and over again.
• Please pray for a roommate to help with my Baltimore expenses and to look after my apartment when I am traveling. Let’s trust God to raise up a special person who would accept this as a call and as a co-laborer in missions.
God is Faithful!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First Blog

It's Launched!
Well this is the first posting on my blog.
I hope to entertain you with news from my travels for Jesus into all the world. That's why the name is pam acts 1:8:

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.