Saturday, February 6, 2010

“For every house is builded by some man; but he that builds all things is God.”
Hebrews 3:4 (KJV)


Belated New Year Greetings! It is has been a busy few months and God has been doing a marvellous work building His church here in Pokhara, Nepal. Here is an update.

October - Team Mumbai Visit

Pastor Karl and a team from the body in Mumbai blessed us with their visit. We organized a two day conference with the theme “God’s Purpose for Our Lives” based on the Scripture Jeremiah 29:11. God really ministered us through the Word as Pastor Karl preached one anointed message after another.

November - Baptism

In November we had our third baptism in the church. 11 souls plunged into the icy mountain stream, each making a decision to follow Christ. Pray for them as we disciple them in the Lord. Many of them are from socially backward and dysfunctional families so a lot of investment is needed.

December - Christmas Banquet

On Christmas Day we organized a banquet and 300 people came, half of whom were first time visitors. We sensed that many hearts in the audience were touched as we presented them with the true message of Christmas through songs, dance skits and the Word. Our body members cooked and served the meals to our guests and it was a true feast. Cultural, religious and social barriers came tumbling down as we ate together as one family

January - Bible College & Leaders Retreat

We began the New Year with two Bible College Classes “Biblical Psychology” and “Introduction to Theology” both of which are being taught live. More than 30 students have registered and on average we have about 20 students regularly attending each class. Pray for our students and pray for translation work which we plan to begin once the DVDs arrive. Last week we also had a two day retreat for our leaders. It was refreshing time for us as we studied from the Word our need for Christ and His grace in the dynamics of the individual, the family and the church. Pray for our leaders: Albert (Bible college administration), Baniya (New building construction), Gokarna, James (Worship), Jeewan (Youth), Kamal (Evangelism) and Tej. Pray also for our ladies: Rebecca (Children ministry) and Shanti (Women’s ministry).


Kabita & Family

Kabita is a precious believer in our church who is on dialysis due to kidney complications. She has Hepatitis C and medically her alternatives are extremely limited. She is only 28 years old. Her husband Jeewan is not saved and they have an eight year old son Bijaya. Please pray for this family.

Baby on the Way

My wife is due in two weeks. Pray for mother and child, a safe and healthy delivery. Pray for us as we prepare to enter parenthood.

New Church Building

After four months delay the permits from the city government have finally come through. Thank you for your prayers. Construction has restarted and we hope to have the building up in the next two months. Pray for a roof.

Come & Visit Us

We are planning a conference here in late April early May. We are praying Pastor Schaller or Pastor Glenn can come as our guest speaker. Pastor Karl and a team from Mumbai and Pastor Rajan and the body from Kathmandu are also planning to be here. My faithful secretary in Baltimore, Pam Greaves, is coming and she will be staying behind to spend few weeks with us. Pray for her.

International Convention

My wife and I are praying about coming to Baltimore for the International Convention this summer. We would love to be there so please pray for details especially with the new baby coming along.


Thank you for your partnership in prayer. The devil is active: stealing, killing and destroying lives but God is present and His purpose prevails: we sense the power your prayers as the Holy Spirit is opens hearts, anoints us to minister the Word to touch lives, heal hearts, save souls and add to His Kingdom.

Pastor Narj & Sharmi Gurung
Pokhara, NEPAL

Tel: +977-9856028847

February 3, 2010