Friday, November 19, 2010

Youth camp Nov 8th

Thank you for your prayers

Thank you for your prayers for the Women's seminar on November 7th. Pastor Rajan came from Katmandu and brought 25 people. Some others came from the village churches. We had a wonderful day in the Word of God and I believe all of our prayers were answered: for anointing, new and deeper understanding of God's GRACE and for
God to be glorified.

Home life with Rosemaya

Pastor Rajan and Indu visited from Katmandu

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November Prayer Requests

Please be in prayer for the Women's Seminar on Sunday, November 7.
I will be teaching three 40 minute sessions.
Pastor Rajan is brining 10-12 women from Katmandu and some others are coming fom the villages.
Please pray for Sharmi, Pastor Narj's wife, my interpreter.
Please pray for anointed teaching and that many would gain a deeper understanding of GRACE- our topic for the day. Pray that God be glorified.

Also pray for:
Divine Health
English classes

Old and New Friends

"Church" Picnic

Glimpses of Majesty