Monday, October 31, 2011

Old friends

Pastor Rajan's mom
Hope Family

Upasana and Meera, Pastor Narj's mom

Pastor Narrj and Reuben (10 weeks)

James, Alisheba and Samarpan

Suk Maya (mother who lost her son Raju last year.)
Menu (widow) and daughter.

Return to Nepal 2011

I landed in Kathmandu October 6 and began a very busy schedule that included a Nepal Leadership Conference with Pastor Karl Silva from Mumbai, India. there were over 150 people at the conference and 20 leaders from the Nepal Missionary Training Center. The conference was also blessed by the visit of 12 americans from Mountain Life Church in Utah. On Friday the 14th I flew to Pokhara with P. Karl and the american team. We visited the village of Bajan, about 40 believers on a mountainside outside of Pokhara, Pastored by P. Abraham.
I finally settled into a room in Pokhara and fought off a mild cold while I prepared for a two day women's seminar on Oct. 27 and 28. God was faithful to anoint, give creativity and conviction.
I will try to post pictures, but the uploads are very slow.
Thank you everyone for your prayers.