Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Leaving today!

I am celebrating the faithfulness of God as I depart today for the trip to Nepal and China.
Please pray for traveling mercy as I will not arrive in Kathmandu until Friday afternoon.
I plan to rest there a few days and will arrive in Pokhara on Wednesday the 29th.
The Lord put this verse in my heart for today:
Isaiah 40:31 mount up on wings as eagles!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

6 Days and Counting!

Thank you for your prayers for the ticket to China. I have located one through a travel agent in Nepal. October is the busy season in Nepal, so it is more expensive($157 more)than I had budgeted. Please pray for the finances to cover the extra expense.
Second prayer request is for a netbook (small laptop computer) or phone that will work in Nepal and allow me to keep up with this blog and my email.
Pastor Narj is taking 12 people this week to Kathmandu for an intensive Bible College class on the book of Acts. Please pray for their time there and their travel on the 6 hour bus ride each way.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

15 Days and Counting!

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports:
Please be in prayer for all the details as I prepare for the trip.
Greatest prayer request is still for the ticket to China that I will try to purchase after I arrive in Kathmandu on Friday, September 25th.

I will work through September 17th- 5 days before I leave on September 22nd.

Pray for rest and strength as I travel for over 40 hours from Wednesday evening to Friday afternoon.

I will stay five days in Kathmandu when I arrive and teach at a women's meeting there on Monday.

On Wednesday I will take the six hour bus ride to Pokhara, arriving there on September 29th (one week after I start traveling!)

I am preparing classes to teach in Pokhara at the women's Bible Study and a women's seminar to be scheduled after I arrive.

I am also preparing to teach two English classes, one for advanced students that do the main translation work for the Pokhara church and another class for beginners.

God has provided a room in the home of some relatives of Pastor Narj.