Tuesday, September 7, 2010

15 Days and Counting!

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports:
Please be in prayer for all the details as I prepare for the trip.
Greatest prayer request is still for the ticket to China that I will try to purchase after I arrive in Kathmandu on Friday, September 25th.

I will work through September 17th- 5 days before I leave on September 22nd.

Pray for rest and strength as I travel for over 40 hours from Wednesday evening to Friday afternoon.

I will stay five days in Kathmandu when I arrive and teach at a women's meeting there on Monday.

On Wednesday I will take the six hour bus ride to Pokhara, arriving there on September 29th (one week after I start traveling!)

I am preparing classes to teach in Pokhara at the women's Bible Study and a women's seminar to be scheduled after I arrive.

I am also preparing to teach two English classes, one for advanced students that do the main translation work for the Pokhara church and another class for beginners.

God has provided a room in the home of some relatives of Pastor Narj.

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