Friday, October 1, 2010

Mark 10:14 Let the little children come to Me and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.

Two small children, living in the street … eating from dead animal carcasses … thin … dirty … covered with scabs … Question: Can you do anything?

In early July this year Pastor Rajan of Greater Grace Fellowship of Katmandu, Nepal was visiting believers in a village when he saw two abandoned children, only 4 - 5 years old, living in unimaginably horrid circumstances. The believers he came to visit asked, “Can you do anything?”

When Pastor Rajan returned to Katmandu he immediately began to file the paperwork necessary to take these children into the care of the Katmandu church. Within a week of filing the papers, God (using the government of Nepal) gave these two children and ten more! The church had no facility, no resources, but freely gave all they had. Many families took some of the children into their own homes, washed them, fed tem, clothed them with the clothes of their own children, and most of all loved them. Most of the children were so weak and sick they spent the first 2-3 weeks in bed.

Within a month someone gave enough for 2 months rent for a small house. The 12 children aged 3-13, most under 5 years old, now have a home and a family. The house is filled with songs and laughter. The church is not calling this an orphanage, but a family. They have named the house Hope Family.

John Shaw was an administrator of an international school but he has left that position to accept the call to care for these children full-time. Besides overseeing all the responsibility of the house, he gives daily lessons in both Nepali and English to little hands that never before held a pencil or owned their own notebook. Five year old Philip proudly stood and said, “I want to be President of Nepal!” With God all things are possible, I pray he receives an even higher calling than that.

These precious little ones thrown out as garbage by the world, are dear to the heart of God. Praise God for the people of the Katmandu church who answered so graciously and generously to the question: “Can you do anything?”

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