Friday, November 19, 2010

Youth camp Nov 8th

Thank you for your prayers

Thank you for your prayers for the Women's seminar on November 7th. Pastor Rajan came from Katmandu and brought 25 people. Some others came from the village churches. We had a wonderful day in the Word of God and I believe all of our prayers were answered: for anointing, new and deeper understanding of God's GRACE and for
God to be glorified.

Home life with Rosemaya

Pastor Rajan and Indu visited from Katmandu

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November Prayer Requests

Please be in prayer for the Women's Seminar on Sunday, November 7.
I will be teaching three 40 minute sessions.
Pastor Rajan is brining 10-12 women from Katmandu and some others are coming fom the villages.
Please pray for Sharmi, Pastor Narj's wife, my interpreter.
Please pray for anointed teaching and that many would gain a deeper understanding of GRACE- our topic for the day. Pray that God be glorified.

Also pray for:
Divine Health
English classes

Old and New Friends

"Church" Picnic

Glimpses of Majesty

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My son is not here!

Raju, a 24 year old man in the Pokhara church fell at a construction site last week. He went home to be with the Lord early Friday morning. He leaves behind a 21 year old widow and a 3 year old daughter. Please pray for them. Life is not easy for widows in Nepal. They seldom remarry and few men here will raise another man's child. Please pray that she will choose to live with her Christian in-laws who have offered her a place in their home and hearts. Over 200 friends and relatives were at the face to face service on Friday at noon. This was the first time that many of them had seen a Christian burial. The Hindus and Buddhists cremate their dead. Less than 2% of Nepal is Christian. They heard the Gospel from Pastor Narj at the service. Pray that many will choose to belive in Christ. At the graveside Raju's mother gave a beautiful testimony and a challenge to all her family to believe. She said, "My son is not here! He is right now in Heaven with Jesus. Praise God!"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Trust His Love

I was scheduled to give a devotion last Thursday at the home of the 24 year old man who fell 4 stories at a construction site. He is still in critical condition, please remember him and his wife and 4 year old daughter in your prayers. Most of the immediate family and the elders of the church were at the hospital. James, one of the leaders of the church met me and took me to the village for the home fellowship, though we did not know if the family would be able to come.
There were about 20 people who gathered. Some were regular members of the weekly fellowhip, some were family members, aunts, sisters, cousins, uncles...
God gave an anointed meaasge from Eph. 3:14-17. How great is His love toward us! When we can't understand His plan, we can trust in His Love!

Pokhara Bible College by Lamplight

Womens meeting in Pokhra, Nepal Sep. 27

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hope Family

Mark 10:14 Let the little children come to Me and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.

Two small children, living in the street … eating from dead animal carcasses … thin … dirty … covered with scabs … Question: Can you do anything?

In early July this year Pastor Rajan of Greater Grace Fellowship of Katmandu, Nepal was visiting believers in a village when he saw two abandoned children, only 4 - 5 years old, living in unimaginably horrid circumstances. The believers he came to visit asked, “Can you do anything?”

When Pastor Rajan returned to Katmandu he immediately began to file the paperwork necessary to take these children into the care of the Katmandu church. Within a week of filing the papers, God (using the government of Nepal) gave these two children and ten more! The church had no facility, no resources, but freely gave all they had. Many families took some of the children into their own homes, washed them, fed tem, clothed them with the clothes of their own children, and most of all loved them. Most of the children were so weak and sick they spent the first 2-3 weeks in bed.

Within a month someone gave enough for 2 months rent for a small house. The 12 children aged 3-13, most under 5 years old, now have a home and a family. The house is filled with songs and laughter. The church is not calling this an orphanage, but a family. They have named the house Hope Family.

John Shaw was an administrator of an international school but he has left that position to accept the call to care for these children full-time. Besides overseeing all the responsibility of the house, he gives daily lessons in both Nepali and English to little hands that never before held a pencil or owned their own notebook. Five year old Philip proudly stood and said, “I want to be President of Nepal!” With God all things are possible, I pray he receives an even higher calling than that.

These precious little ones thrown out as garbage by the world, are dear to the heart of God. Praise God for the people of the Katmandu church who answered so graciously and generously to the question: “Can you do anything?”

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Leaving today!

I am celebrating the faithfulness of God as I depart today for the trip to Nepal and China.
Please pray for traveling mercy as I will not arrive in Kathmandu until Friday afternoon.
I plan to rest there a few days and will arrive in Pokhara on Wednesday the 29th.
The Lord put this verse in my heart for today:
Isaiah 40:31 mount up on wings as eagles!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

6 Days and Counting!

Thank you for your prayers for the ticket to China. I have located one through a travel agent in Nepal. October is the busy season in Nepal, so it is more expensive($157 more)than I had budgeted. Please pray for the finances to cover the extra expense.
Second prayer request is for a netbook (small laptop computer) or phone that will work in Nepal and allow me to keep up with this blog and my email.
Pastor Narj is taking 12 people this week to Kathmandu for an intensive Bible College class on the book of Acts. Please pray for their time there and their travel on the 6 hour bus ride each way.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

15 Days and Counting!

Prayer Requests and Praise Reports:
Please be in prayer for all the details as I prepare for the trip.
Greatest prayer request is still for the ticket to China that I will try to purchase after I arrive in Kathmandu on Friday, September 25th.

I will work through September 17th- 5 days before I leave on September 22nd.

Pray for rest and strength as I travel for over 40 hours from Wednesday evening to Friday afternoon.

I will stay five days in Kathmandu when I arrive and teach at a women's meeting there on Monday.

On Wednesday I will take the six hour bus ride to Pokhara, arriving there on September 29th (one week after I start traveling!)

I am preparing classes to teach in Pokhara at the women's Bible Study and a women's seminar to be scheduled after I arrive.

I am also preparing to teach two English classes, one for advanced students that do the main translation work for the Pokhara church and another class for beginners.

God has provided a room in the home of some relatives of Pastor Narj.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I got the ticket!

I will be on my way Sept. 22 - Dec 15.
God has provided so faithfully.
All year I have been simply waiting and trusting and He has done it!
Pray for good connections to China.
I plan to purchase my flight to Kunming in Kathmandu.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Worship in Pokhara Nepal

New Church Building in Pokhara, Nepal

Update on Travel Plans

The elders of Greater Grace World Outreach have approved a mission trip for me to Nepal. Leaving approximately September 15th and staying for three months until mid-December, I will be visiting Pokhara and Kathmandu. We have prepared a DVD of these two churches describing the exciting revival that is happening there. If you would like a copy, you may request it at
Please pray for this next great adventure in the LORD.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

“For every house is builded by some man; but he that builds all things is God.”
Hebrews 3:4 (KJV)


Belated New Year Greetings! It is has been a busy few months and God has been doing a marvellous work building His church here in Pokhara, Nepal. Here is an update.

October - Team Mumbai Visit

Pastor Karl and a team from the body in Mumbai blessed us with their visit. We organized a two day conference with the theme “God’s Purpose for Our Lives” based on the Scripture Jeremiah 29:11. God really ministered us through the Word as Pastor Karl preached one anointed message after another.

November - Baptism

In November we had our third baptism in the church. 11 souls plunged into the icy mountain stream, each making a decision to follow Christ. Pray for them as we disciple them in the Lord. Many of them are from socially backward and dysfunctional families so a lot of investment is needed.

December - Christmas Banquet

On Christmas Day we organized a banquet and 300 people came, half of whom were first time visitors. We sensed that many hearts in the audience were touched as we presented them with the true message of Christmas through songs, dance skits and the Word. Our body members cooked and served the meals to our guests and it was a true feast. Cultural, religious and social barriers came tumbling down as we ate together as one family

January - Bible College & Leaders Retreat

We began the New Year with two Bible College Classes “Biblical Psychology” and “Introduction to Theology” both of which are being taught live. More than 30 students have registered and on average we have about 20 students regularly attending each class. Pray for our students and pray for translation work which we plan to begin once the DVDs arrive. Last week we also had a two day retreat for our leaders. It was refreshing time for us as we studied from the Word our need for Christ and His grace in the dynamics of the individual, the family and the church. Pray for our leaders: Albert (Bible college administration), Baniya (New building construction), Gokarna, James (Worship), Jeewan (Youth), Kamal (Evangelism) and Tej. Pray also for our ladies: Rebecca (Children ministry) and Shanti (Women’s ministry).


Kabita & Family

Kabita is a precious believer in our church who is on dialysis due to kidney complications. She has Hepatitis C and medically her alternatives are extremely limited. She is only 28 years old. Her husband Jeewan is not saved and they have an eight year old son Bijaya. Please pray for this family.

Baby on the Way

My wife is due in two weeks. Pray for mother and child, a safe and healthy delivery. Pray for us as we prepare to enter parenthood.

New Church Building

After four months delay the permits from the city government have finally come through. Thank you for your prayers. Construction has restarted and we hope to have the building up in the next two months. Pray for a roof.

Come & Visit Us

We are planning a conference here in late April early May. We are praying Pastor Schaller or Pastor Glenn can come as our guest speaker. Pastor Karl and a team from Mumbai and Pastor Rajan and the body from Kathmandu are also planning to be here. My faithful secretary in Baltimore, Pam Greaves, is coming and she will be staying behind to spend few weeks with us. Pray for her.

International Convention

My wife and I are praying about coming to Baltimore for the International Convention this summer. We would love to be there so please pray for details especially with the new baby coming along.


Thank you for your partnership in prayer. The devil is active: stealing, killing and destroying lives but God is present and His purpose prevails: we sense the power your prayers as the Holy Spirit is opens hearts, anoints us to minister the Word to touch lives, heal hearts, save souls and add to His Kingdom.

Pastor Narj & Sharmi Gurung
Pokhara, NEPAL

Tel: +977-9856028847

February 3, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

John Wesley said, “The whole world is my parish.” I believe the whole world can be my mission field. God has placed three fields in my heart and my prayer is to visit each of them within the next year. I would like to plan a 3-4 week visit to allow time to get to know the people of the church, the pastor’s vision, and let God lead me into prayer for each ministry. I am totally available to God to lead me into continuing with short-term trips or a longer assignment. Please pray with me for these fields:

Pokhara, Nepal-
Pastor Narj Gurung was an MBC&S student and my friend and co-worker in the Bible College office. He returned to Nepal in 2007 and since returning God has given him a beautiful Christian wife and they are expecting their first child soon. God has used him to plant a church which already has over 100 people. They just purchased land to put up a building large enough for meetings of 400 people. Pastor Narj is a gifted Bible teacher and will be starting a Bible College this year. I am planning to visit the Pokhara, Nepal Church for three weeks in April, 2010. I need to purchase my airline ticket in February. The cost is $2,200. Please pray specifically for this ticket.

Middle East-
Pastor Matti Sirvio, the pastor I served with in Kazakhstan, has been busy planting a church in Istanbul, Turkey since the fall of 2006. Recently he led teams from Turkey into Egypt and Syria. He has a plan to take 30 day mission trips into several of the Middle Eastern countries in 2010 and is praying for spirit filled team members on these trips. Please pray that I can join one of these mission trips, probably in the late Summer or Fall of 2010.

In 2009 GGWO sent 13 missionaries into China. We presently have teams serving in four locations. The newest team is founding an international school in south central China. Several missionaries from Baku, Azerbaijan are also ministering among the Islamic Central Asian peoples in western China. I would like to combine one trip to visit both of these teams sometime in the Fall or Winter of 2010.

Let me ask boldly- for I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am seeking your participation with prayer and financial support for these mission trips. My work for Kelly will provide for all my living expenses while in the States, but I do need to raise funds to pay these travel expenses. All support received will be used only for missions’ expenses. You may send financial support to GGWO Missions, 6025 Moravia Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21206 and write Pam Greaves on the memo line. Contributions can also be made electronically at Click on the “Donate Now” link on the left and please write “Greaves” when it asks for the missionary name.

Prayer Requests-
• I have set up a blog where I can post newsletters, pictures and information about these mission trips. Please pray that it will be done well and will serve my friends and supporters with up to date prayer needs and other information.

• Please pray for all three of these proposed trips in 2010. All things are possible with God. He has proved Himself faithful to me over and over again.
• Please pray for a roommate to help with my Baltimore expenses and to look after my apartment when I am traveling. Let’s trust God to raise up a special person who would accept this as a call and as a co-laborer in missions.
God is Faithful!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First Blog

It's Launched!
Well this is the first posting on my blog.
I hope to entertain you with news from my travels for Jesus into all the world. That's why the name is pam acts 1:8:

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.